‘An institutional conspiracy is taking place!’, VP Jagdeep Dhankhar warned on religious conversion – Sugar-coated philosophy…

‘An institutional conspiracy is taking place!’, VP Jagdeep Dhankhar warned on religious conversion – Sugar-coated philosophy…

VP Jagdeep Dhankhar: Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar has expressed great concern about religious conversion. On Thursday (September 26, 2024) he said in Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, that Sanatan never spreads poison. It itself transmits powers. A signal has been given in the country, which is very dangerous and it is also going to change the politics. This is happening in a policy way, it is happening in an institutional way and it is happening in the way of a planned conspiracy. This is religious conversion!

During the inaugural address of the Hindu Spiritual and Seva Mela, Jagdeep Dhankhar claimed, “At present, sugar-coated philosophies are being sold in the country. They target the weaker sections of the society. They infiltrate our tribal people more. Greed We are painfully aware of religious conversion as a policy and we need to act swiftly to negate such sinister forces. We will have to stay and work at a fast pace.”

‘People who are dividing India’

The Vice President said, “You cannot imagine the people who are active today to disintegrate India. When I see nationalism and patriotism and something happens in the neighboring country, a person who has held a constitutional post Has been a minister at the Centre, is a senior advocate in the legal profession, runs a narrative saying that this can happen in India too, is our democracy weak?

‘It is contrary to constitutional principles’

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar said, “We are witnessing a painful religious conversion and it is contrary to our values ​​and constitutional principles. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution reflects the essence of Sanatan Dharma. Hinduism is inclusive in the true sense; it But it takes care of all living beings. The essence and basic mantra of our Indian culture is still present in the Hindu society. It helps others in times of crisis. “Regardless.”

He further said, “These days, there is a lot of discussion on various topics at the national and international level. A lot of reports are coming. They study. Most of them try to find some fault in us, that India is that country. Where four out of ten people are busy in public works, serving others.”

Also read: If writing a name is a crime then why did you write love on your shop? Acharya Pramod’s question to Rahul Gandhi on the nameplate dispute.

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